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Oh, Ravenna! — Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy

  I think, for me, the most breathtaking of Ravenna’s mosaiced monuments is the Basilica of San Vitale. I could sit in there and look at the walls and ceilings for hours (nearly did, actually). Apparently, the Byzantine mosaics here are the largest and best preserved outside Istanbul (which was, of course, formerly Constantinople, the Byzantine capital). Building of the church started in 527 AD during the period of the Ostrogothic kingdom. San Vitale was completed by the Byzantines and consecrated in 547 AD or 548 AD (sources differ). The exterior has both Roman and Byzantine elements, but nothing outside prepares the visitor for the stunningly colourful and shimmering interior decoration. above: Mystic Lamb mosaic in domed vault at San Vitale. above: On either side of the apse arch you can see depictions of the walled cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. A definite wow factor takes over on entering San Vitale. Sixth-century mosaic depictions of Moses, Abel, Aaron and the Twelve ...

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